75th Anniversary -Ukrainian Genocide-Holodomor
Commemoration Committee - Chicago

"HOLODOMOR"- Ukrainian term for "death by starvation"
Ukrainians refer to the Genocide of 1932-1933 as the Holodomor.  The term "genocide" was not introduced into language until 1947.
Designed and maintained by
UGFF-USA, Inc. 2008
Katya Mischenko-Mycyk
Chicagoland International Holodomor Remembrance Flame Torch Relay
Wrigley Square in Millennium Park
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Over 750 people
gathered in Millennium
Park's Wrigley Square
to commemorate the
over 10 million Victims
of the
The program began
with a Presentation of
Colors and the singing
of the Ukrainian and
American National
Anthems by the St.
Andrew Ukrainian
Orthodox Church Choir
Orthodox Church Choir in singing the Ukrainian and
American National Anthems
Ukrainian Genocide Survivor Kateryna Pietrzyk ,
Ukrainian Genocide Famine Foundation - USA
President Nicholas Mischenko, Illinois State
Representative John Fritchey and National
University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy President Serhij
Bishop Seminak of St. Nicholas
Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy leads
the crowd in a prayer
Event Co-Chair Lida
Tkaczuk begins the
official Torch Relay
UGFF-USA President Nicholas Mischenko with
Illinois State Representative John Fritchey.  
UCCA-IL President Paul Bandriwsky and National
University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy President Serhij
Kwit in background
Rt. Rev. Krotec of Sts. Volodymyr
and Olha Ukrainian Catholic
Clergy of the St. Nicholas  Eparchy for Ukrainian
Catholics precede Bishop Seminak
Clergy of  St. Nicholas Eparchy for Ukrainian
Catholics  precede members of Selfreliance
Ukrainian-American Federal Credit Union
Board Members Victor Wojtychiw, Bohdan Watral,
Michael Kos and Christine Kozij of Selfreliance
Ukrainian-American Federal Credit Union
UGFF-USA President Nicholas Mischenko, IL State
Representative John Fritchey, National University of
Kyiv Mohyla Academy Serhij Kwit and UCCA-IL
President Paul Bandriwsky
UGFF-USA President Nicholas Mischenko, IL State
Representative John Fritchey, National University of
Kyiv Mohyla Academy Serhij Kwit and UCCA-IL
President Paul Bandriwsky and Chicago Committee
to Remember Ukrainian Holodomor-Genocide
1932-1933 Nestor Popowych
Ukrainian Congress Committee of
America - IL Division President
Paul Bandriwsky reads a
proclamation from Illinois Governor
Rod Blagojevich
Illinois State Representative
John Fritchey
Chicago Committee to Remember
Ukrainian Holodomor-Genocide
1932-1933 Nestor Popowych reads
a proclamation from Chicago's
Mayor Richard M. Daley
Keynote Speaker John Jaresko